Creating a Redirect

After you create redirect you have to clear cache of nopCommerce. Go to admin pannel, click on gear icon on top-right of the page. Click on Clear Cache.

To create a new redirect rule go to URL Rewrites page of the plugin.

If you set up Request Url to /*. Your store will break. The only solution would be to delete the record from database directly.

Make sure that your redirects do not create infinite loop. (e.g. /page1 -> /page2, and /page2 -> /page1)



Select the store for this redirect, or select All.

Retirect Type

Select HTTP Status Code of this redirect. See HTTP Status Codes page for more details

Request Url

URL to redirect from. You can input just a path of the url, or full url. For example, if you want to redirect from You can input iphone/iphoneX /iphone/iphoneX You can also use * operator to match any pattern. For example, /iphone/* will redirect every url that starts with /iphone/. Note, page /iphone will not be redirected. You can use * in your pattern only once, and it must be at the end of the url.

Target Url

Input only if Redirect Type is set to 301, 302, 303, or 307. URL to redirect to. You can input just a path of the url, or full url. For example, if you want to redirect from You can input iphone/iphoneX /iphone/iphoneX You can also use placeholders, see Dynamic Redirects page for more info.

Preserve Query String

URLs sometimes have query parameters in them. These parameters are located after ? symbol in url. For example user goes to url: If this setting is enabled, you will be redirected to If it is not enabled, you will be redirected to


Comment for admins

Last updated